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Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Heavy Vehicle Compliance Officer

Ever wondered about the challenges faced by the unsung heroes of the transportation industry - the heavy vehicle compliance officers? In this exclusive behind-the-scenes journey, we shed light on a day in the life of these dedicated professionals, exploring the intricate challenges they encounter and how cutting-edge compliance software plays a pivotal role in easing their workload.

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Empowering Heavy Vehicle Drivers: The Importance of Ongoing Training and Support

In the realm of heavy vehicle operations, drivers play a pivotal role as the backbone of transportation networks across Australia. However, with this critical role comes a significant responsibility, as driving heavy vehicles ranks among the most dangerous jobs in the country. As such, it is imperative to prioritise ongoing training, support, and empowerment for drivers to ensure their safety and compliance with the Heavy Vehicle National Law and road rules.

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Navigating Compliance Evolution: From Chain of Responsibility to a Safety-Centric Approach

In the ever-evolving landscape of heavy vehicle regulation, the transition from the traditional "Chain of Responsibility" (CoR) model to the contemporary safety-centric approach has marked a paradigm shift. The 2018 amendments to the heavy vehicle national law brought forth a fundamental change in compliance dynamics, replacing the stringent CoR obligations with a primary duty to ensure safety. Despite this shift, apprehensions still linger within the transport industry, particularly among operators who perceive a risk-averse stance towards driver breaches as the epitome of compliance.

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News Archive

Mar 30, 2023

Chain of Responsibility for Safety Managers

When we talk to people that don’t have a background in transport operations we often see them being confused with the meaning of the Chain of Responsibility (CoR) term. As a result they focus their business resources in the wrong direction.

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Mar 30, 2023

IAP to TMA - Declarations what you need to know

Telematics as an access condition (to Higher Mass Limits (HML) for example) has been around for some time and is being more and more used. The industry can see attempts from jurisdictions to harmonise the access requirements.

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Mar 23, 2023

Protecting drivers and the managers

Drivers of heavy vehicles have a different task to many other workers in that a large portion of their time is not spent on a site controlled by their employer or other Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU). Often the safety of heavy vehicle drivers is reliant on the competence and alertness of other road users.

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Mar 22, 2023

SafeWork NSW Incident Animations

SafeWork NSW has recently released another in its series of incident animations. The latest animation profiles a serious incident, where a worker was handling a metal handrail that came into contact with nearby power lines. ‍

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Mar 16, 2023

Not in the Transport Industry - we just have trucks

Quite often we meet organisations that have heavy vehicles but don’t see themselves as transport operators or part of the transport industry. Often for them the realisation that the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) applies to them does not come until they are fined at the roadside or an incident occurs and they are asked to produce records that they did not understand they were required to keep.

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Mar 16, 2023

Driver training: toolbox talks and more

There is a lot of talk at the moment regarding fatigue management including from the recent case law, Electronic Work Diary uptake and improvements to Advanced Fatigue Management.

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Mar 9, 2023

2023 Heavy Vehicle Safety Strategy Action Plan: AFM and EWD

The NHVR has released its 2023 Heavy Vehicle Safety Strategy Action Plan which sets out the key safety priorities for the next 12 months. More incentives for the transport operators on AFM (Advanced Fatigue Management), EWD is being promoted too.

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Mar 2, 2023

Attention: Tri-drive axle groups trucks owners

The NHVR has released an information sheet that clarifies that under the National Class 2 PBS Level 1 & 2a Truck and Dog Trailer Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.1) four axle trucks with tri-drive axle groups are not covered under the notice. The information sheet (link) provides examples of eligible PBS truck and dog combinations that can operate under the Notice and makes it very clear that the Notice does not provide access to rigid trucks fitted with tri-axle drives.

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Feb 23, 2023

Case Learnings Published by the NHVR

On 10 February this year the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) published a “Case Learnings” from a recent court case that highlights some reasonably practicable measures that transport operations can put in place and guidance for Schedulers, Operators and Employers (link).

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Feb 23, 2023

Truck and Quad Dog Access Confusion

For many in the Transport Industry and the users of transport services mass and access can be very confusing. With different exemption notices and permit schemes coupled with varying conditions from state to state getting it right can be a daunting task. 

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Morbi quam odio, ultrices a libero sit amet, lacinia commodo quam. Curabitur sodales ornare ex, eu sodales elit venenatis non.

Do you support banking loan?

Morbi quam odio, ultrices a libero sit amet, lacinia commodo quam. Curabitur sodales ornare ex, eu sodales elit venenatis non.

Do you support banking loan?

Morbi quam odio, ultrices a libero sit amet, lacinia commodo quam. Curabitur sodales ornare ex, eu sodales elit venenatis non.

How do I open an account?

Morbi quam odio, ultrices a libero sit amet, lacinia commodo quam. Curabitur sodales ornare ex, eu sodales elit venenatis non.

Do you support banking loan?

Morbi quam odio, ultrices a libero sit amet, lacinia commodo quam. Curabitur sodales ornare ex, eu sodales elit venenatis non.

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Because not all breaches are "REAL"

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