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Truck and Quad Dog Access Confusion

For many in the Transport Industry and the users of transport services mass and access can be very confusing. With different exemption notices and permit schemes coupled with varying conditions from state to state getting it right can be a daunting task. 

New South Wales seems to be one of the more confusing jurisdictions to operate Truck and Quad Dogs in so we thought a quick update may be helpful for our NSW Tipper Operators.

The various notices and schemes for Truck and Quad Dog access can be found on the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s website:

The NSW PBS Maps can be found here. 

There are actually a few different notices that truck and quad dogs can operate under in NSW, the two main ones are discussed below.

National Class 2 PBS Level 1 & 2a Truck and Dog Trailer Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.1) link
What is it for?

This is the current version of the PBS Truck and Dog Authorisation Notice which allows access to the PBS Network for vehicles with PBS Approvals. Most truck and quad dogs have been operated under this notice and have access permits based around their PBS Vehicle Approvals (VAs) 

NSW Requirements 

The Vehicle Approvals for NSW will generally contain a requirement for NHVAS CML to get to maximum mass of 57.5 tonnes (depending on axle spacing) and the actual allowable mass can vary between combinations. 

National Class 3 20m Long 3-axle Truck and 4-axle Dog Trailer Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2022 (No.2) link
What is it for?

This allows you to operate a complying 20 metre quad dog at 50.5 / 57.5 tonnes on the PBS level 1 / level 2 GML and CML Networks from the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards Level 1 and 2A Truck and Dog Trailer Authorisation Notice 2021 (above).

This also allows access to the Great Western Highway between Emu Plains and Marrangaroo at 57.5 tonnes.

To go off these routes you will need a Class 3 Access Permit which is different to your PBS Access Permit. 

NSW Requirements: 

Interestingly for what we believe is the first time the vehicle does not need to be enrolled in NHVAS CML to get 17.0 tonnes on the bogie axles, if not enrolled in NHVAS CML the axles need to be fitted with Road Friendly Suspension (RFS) which is a similar requirement to the Victorian requirement for RFS to access Higher Mass Limits (HML). 

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