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Driver training: toolbox talks and more

There is a lot of talk at the moment regarding fatigue management including from the recent case law, Electronic Work Diary uptake and improvements to Advanced Fatigue Management.

Transport operators should train their employees and especially drivers in fatigue management. This training is not limited to compliance with record keeping and work / rest requirements, but also actually helping drivers to maintain their health and wellbeing on the road.


By promoting safety through toolbox talks, newsletters, and other materials it becomes much easier to have conversations around compliance management, particularly when implementing new technologies such as EWDs or other telematics or digital systems.

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has some great resources in their Safety Management Systems Resources page (link) including this Safety Promotion and Communication Quick Guide (link).

The National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) also has a lot of resources available to help improve road safety. Their Heavy Vehicle toolbox talks can be found (here) and include talks on fatigue, fitness for duty and mental wellbeing.

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