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The Brisbane Truck Show

This year's Brisbane Truck Show begins next week and we look forward to seeing you there. 

Amongst other things while at the show we will be keen to catch up with the 40+ telematics companies displaying their products. Having this many providers at one show highlights the increasingly important role that technology is playing in the transport industry.

Quite often transport operators have more than one telematics technology provider’s equipment fitted to their vehicles. This is when Unavin is able to aggregate the outputs of multiple telematics providers with configurable settings for various fleets into one place, simplifying and reducing the cost of compliance.

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s advice

CoR parties and their executives may be failing to meet their primary duty obligations if they are aware of, or ought to reasonably be aware of, a safety technology that is available and suitable to eliminate or mitigate a risk associated with their transport activities but fail to implement this measure.

If your business is looking to add technology to your fleet and the systems installed are not used to their full potential, the safety benefits will not be realised.

  • Alert parameters should not be increased past manufacturers’ recommendations, to a point where the safety technology is ineffective.
  • Telematic data being collected should not be ignored or underutilised

Not only does this significantly reduce benefits of the safety technologies and telematics data, but it may also result in parties failing to meet their CoR primary duty obligations. 

If CoR parties install the safety technology but fail to use the telematics data appropriately, because they are unwilling to develop a system to process, monitor, and interpret the data, this is unlikely to meet the threshold of reasonably practicable.

Because not all breaches are "REAL"

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