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Queensland Class 3 B-Double and Road Train (Carriage of Large Indivisible Items) Dimension Exemption Notice Operator's Guide

1         Purpose

(1)    This Notice provides dimension exemptions for eligible B-double and road train combinations transporting large indivisible items exempt from the prescribed dimension requirements in Schedules 6 of the Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation (the National Regulation).

(2)    This Notice revokes and replaces the Queensland Class 3 Heavy (Indivisible Item) Dimension Exemption Notice 2019 (No.1).

2         Authorising Provision

This Notice is made under section 117 of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

3         Title

This Notice may be cited as the Queensland Class 3 Heavy Vehicle B-Double and Road Train (Carriage of Indivisible Items) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice 2022.

4         Commencement

This Notice commences on 28 October 2022.

5         Expiry

This Notice expires on 9 February 2024.

6         Definitions

(1)    Unless otherwise stated, words and expressions used in this Notice have the same meanings as those defined in the HVNL.

(2)    In this Notice:

Type-1 Road Train has the same meaning of section 6 of the National Class 2 Road Train Authorisation.

Type-2 Road Train has the same meaning of section 6 of the National Class 2 Road Train Authorisation.

TMR means the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.

B-Double has the same meaning as section 6 of the National Class 2 B-Double Authorisation Notice.

Guide means the Queensland Class 3 B-Double and Road Train (Carriage of Indivisible Items) Dimension Exemption Notice Operator’s Guide, published by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).

7         Application

(1)    This Notice applies to a Class 3 heavy vehicle which is carrying one or more indivisible items, and that is:

(a)    a B-Double; or

(b)   a Type-1 or Type-2 Road train; and

(c)    complies with the conditions of this Notice.

(2)    This Notice applies to eligible heavy vehicle combinations operating in Queensland only.

(3)    This Notice does not apply to a heavy vehicle combination that has a tri-drive axle group.

(4)    A vehicle to which this section applies is an eligible vehicle.

8         Exemption – Dimension Requirements

(1)    An eligible vehicle is exempt from the following dimension requirements of Schedule 6 of the National Regulation:

(a)    section 7(1) – Width

(b)   section 8(1)(d) – Height

9         Condition – Dimension Limits

(1)    An eligible vehicle must comply with the following dimension conditions:

(a)    up to 2.5m wide may be up to 4.8m high.

(b)   up to 3.2m wide may be up to 4.6 m high.

10     Condition – Dimension Limits (Barkley Highway)

(1)    An eligible vehicle travelling on the Barkly Highway between the Queensland and Northern Territory border and Camooweal may use the following conditional dimensions:

(a)    Type 1 road trains up to 3.5m wide and 4.85m high; or

(b)   Type 2 road trains up to 3.2m wide and 4.85m high.

11     Approved Routes or Areas

(1)    An eligible vehicle may only access the following approved networks set out in Table 1:

Note:     Route Maps and descriptions can be found on Queensland Globe published by the Queensland Government.

(2)    An eligible road train that has access to a network in Table 1 must comply with any vehicle, road or travel conditions applied to it by the network map as amended from time to time.

Note:     The network map may contain conditions that only apply to particular sections of the network, or only at particular times. Conditions like these will usually be applied through the network map itself, but may also be published in the Guide itself.

12     Condition – Loading Location

(1)    An eligible vehicle may carry one or more large indivisible items up to the dimension limits set out in section 9 and 10.

(2)    For the purpose of section 9 (1)(a), any trailer of the combination is an approved loading location for the any indivisible items.

(3)    For the purpose of section 9(1)(b), an eligible vehicle must comply with Table 2. An eligible vehicle listed in Column 1 must load indivisible items as per Column 2.

(4)    Any load in additional to the indivisible item must not exceed the dimension requirements set out in Schedule 6 of the National Regulation.

Note:     Large indivisible items may be carried on either the truck or any trailer, subject to the table 2 and the requirements of the load restraint guide.

13     Condition – Application of Schedule 8 of the National Regulation

(1)    The following sections of Schedule 8 of the National Regulation apply to eligible vehicles operating under this Notice:

(a)    Division 1 General conditions

(b)   Division 2 sections 12 and 13.

Note:     Specifically, this is an application for the Class 1 conditions in Schedule 8 to a Class 3 vehicles under this Notice.

14     Condition – Travel restrictions

(1)    An eligible vehicle must comply with the relevant conditions outlined in the Queensland Access Conditions Guide (Route and Operational Access Conditions).

Note The Queensland Access Conditions Guide – Route and operational access conditions, as published by the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads.

15     Condition – Speed Limit

(1)    An eligible vehicle is limited to a maximum of 90km/h or a post a speed sign whichever is lesser.

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