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New NHVR Portal Feature

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s online portal now features a Compliance Module, where transport operators can manage compliance information and on-road enforcement notices.

Currently the module only allows operators to view defect notices issued to their fleet. The data is available for operators that participate in the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) but will be made more broadly available in the future.

The compliance module appears to be a test version and your feedback is highly appreciated. 

Defect information available on NHVR website

The NHVR website also now features information on heavy vehicle defects, including safety, legal and administrative requirements. 

There is information on the:

  • different risk categories 
  • defective vehicle labels 
  • continued use of a defective vehicle 
  • non-compliance with a vehicle defect notice 
  • how to clear a defect notice.

Be aware that the requirements for clearing a defect may change depending on where the vehicle is registered and the NHVR has included a summary table to find the defect clearance requirements in each state, this table is most relevant when a defect notice is issued in one state but cleared in another.

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