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Load to the allowable mass not the measurement adjustment

We often see customers that are confused with how heavy vehicle mass works. They confuse things like registered gross vehicle mass and allowable gross vehicle mass. We also see where drivers are unsure about what the allowable masses are because they see slightly overloaded vehicles not being fined at the side of the road because of enforcement measurement adjustments.

Drivers (and others) should be reminded to load to the allowable mass and not the measurement adjustment as the process only applies when an authorised officer measures or weighs a heavy vehicle for compliance and enforcement purposes. The application of a measurement adjustment recognises that a dimension or mass assessment outcome may vary from time to time, due to the:

  • weighing and measuring equipment used
  • inspection site characteristics
  • measuring methods
  • conditions under which the measurements are made

Applying an agreed adjustment to account for possible variations allows the measurement to be based on the highest degree of accuracy achievable at any time and provides fairness to the outcome of the measurement process. The measurement adjustment process also provides fairness to industry and legal certainty in considering enforcement action.

Because we understand the complexities of mass management we have created an allowable mass limits calculation module in Unavin to help ensure that vehicles are loaded legally everytime.

Because not all breaches are "REAL"

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