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HVNL Coupling requirements

Did you know that under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Section 185 it is an offence if a person uses, or permits another person to use a combination and any trailer in the combination is not securely coupled to the vehicle in front of it (maximum penalty $6000).

Under the same section if a person uses, or permits to be used a combination and the components of a coupling used between vehicles combination are not compatible with, or properly connected to, each other (maximum penalty $6000).

Some acronyms to use in your training 

When coupling / uncoupling the sequence that should be followed is: 

PAL = Pin Air Legs 

LAP = Legs Air Pin

Using these acronyms is a great way to reinforce the message as part of both safety promotion and VOC processes. 

Because not all breaches are "REAL"

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