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Damned if you do and damned if you don’t

Damned if you do and damned if you don’t 

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator has released the Regulatory Advice: Heavy vehicle safety technology and telematics (LINK). This advice basically describes the reason behind Unavin Software Platform development - Transport Compliance Infrastructure. 

Damned if you don’t install devices - If the technology is available you must use it

From the Regulatory Advice:

CoR parties and their executives may be failing to meet their primary duty obligations if they are aware of, or ought to reasonably be aware of, a safety technology that is available and suitable to eliminate or mitigate a risk associated with their transport activities but fail to implement this measure. 

Think about the risks associated with heavy vehicle speed and the availability of GPS devices that generate speed records and / or alerts.  Then ask yourself is it reasonably practicable for your business to install these devices to monitor speed?

Damned if you do install devices - If the data is available you must use it

From the Regulatory Advice:

If CoR parties install the safety technology but fail to use the telematics data appropriately, because they are unwilling to develop a system to process, monitor, and interpret the data, this is unlikely to meet the threshold of reasonably practicable.

Now as your business has telematics data and you can see all of these events, most of them appear to be false breaches. What are you going to do about them? 

Turning of the alerts is not the answer

From the Regulatory Advice:

However, in some cases, alert parameters are being increased past manufacturers’ recommendations, to a point where the safety technology is ineffective, or only produces telematics data or provides feedback in extreme circumstances. In other cases, the telematics data is being collected but ignored or underutilised.

Not only does this significantly reduce the safety benefits that safety technologies and telematics data provide, but it may also result in parties failing to meet their CoR primary duty obligations.

We designed Unavin to help Transport Operators manage telematics data

Unavin integrates with your telematics system and automatically draws the exception event data into your Unavin account.


As part of the data transfer process we pre-filter the data to remove the “noise” (false breach events etc) that may be coming from the telematics. Unavin provides default (but customisable) settings for each type of the event prefiltering. 

For one of our customers with a large national fleet, GPS integration pre-filtering means a greater than 90% reduction in events to be treated each day (700+ events to <70).

Driver identification

Unavin automatically matches the telematics events to your vehicle allocations and identifies the driver.

Data analysis and secondary filtering

The responsible person in the operations now has a set of driver “non-conformances” that they can review and take the appropriate actions on.

Documenting corrective actions

Once the non-conformance review is complete the operator can use Unavin’s corrective action workflow engine to automatically take and document corrective actions. For example, the operator may choose to have a conversation with the driver and create a “file note” that the driver’s behaviour was outside of company policy.

In Unavin the responsible person assigns the speeding non-conformance to the “speeding file note” pipeline and Unavin generates the file note and sends it to the driver automatically.

Unavin Transport Compliance Infrastructure

We created the Unavin Software Platform to help businesses manage their telematics data to improve road safety, and help parties in the supply chain demonstrate that they have met their Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) Chapter 1A obligations including the primary duty to ensure safety and the due diligence obligations.

Because not all breaches are "REAL"

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